February 17, 2023

Simplify Your Signing Process with eSignature Extension for EspoCRM

If you’re looking to improve your business process and streamline your document signing process, the eSignature extension for EspoCRM is a great tool to consider. This extension enables you to easily create, send, and sign documents right from within EspoCRM.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits it provides:

  1. Improved efficiency: With the eSignature extension, you can easily send and sign documents from within EspoCRM, saving you time and effort compared to manually managing documents outside of the CRM.
  2. Reduced errors: By using the eSignature extension, you can reduce errors that can occur when manually managing documents, such as forgetting to have a document signed or losing track of the status of a document.
  3. Enhanced security: The eSignature extension provides enhanced security features such as secure document storage and tracking of document access and signatures.

Here’s how to get started with the eSignature extension:

  1. Purchase eSignature extension from official author online store.
  2. Download the eSignature extension after purchase.
  3. Log in to your EspoCRM account and navigate to the Administration panel.
  4. From there, select the Extensions section and click on the “Install” button.
  5. Choose the eSignature extension that you have downloaded and follow the prompts to install it.
  6. Add the eSignature field through the entity manager: After installing the extension, you’ll need to add the eSignature field to the entity that you want to use it with. To do this, navigate to the entity manager in EspoCRM, select the entity you want to use the eSignature field with, and then add the eSignature field as a new field.

In summary, if you’re looking to streamline your document signing process, the eSignature extension for EspoCRM is an excellent tool to consider. With its easy installation process, you can quickly start taking advantage of the improved efficiency, reduced errors, and enhanced security it provides.

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